What is being measured in polarographic glucose oxidase method?

What is being measured in polarographic glucose oxidase method?

Glucose levels in serum, plasma, and urine are determined rapidly and conveniently by a new glucose oxidase method employing a polarographic oxygen sensor with a circuit modified to record the rate of oxygen consumption.

What are the method of glucose estimation?

Glucose in blood is the most frequent analyzed parameter in a clinical chemistry laboratory. In Armed Forces Laboratories, copper reduction method (Modified Folin Wu) is commonly used. Here we have compared this method as well as O-Toluidine and GOD-POD method with reference UV-Hexokinase method.

What is hexokinase method?

n. A highly specific method for determining the concentration of glucose in serum or plasma by spectrophotometrically measuring the NADP formed from hexokinase-catalyzed transformations of glucose and various intermediates.

What is Trinder method?

The Trinder reaction is the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and the phenol and aminoantipyrine to form a quinone (quinoneimine), catalyzed by the presence of a peroxidase (such as horseradish peroxidase). The Stanbio Single Reagent Glucose Method is based upon the Trinder technique.

What is glucose oxidase method?

Glucose oxidase (GOX) catalyses the oxidation of β-D-glucose to D-glucono-δ-lactone and hydrogen peroxide. Other uses of glucose oxidase include the removal of oxygen from food packaging and removal of D-glucose from egg white to prevent browning.

What is the enzyme that is the most specific for beta D glucose?

The most common methods of glucose analysis in the laboratory use the enzyme glucose oxidase or hexokinase. Glucose oxidase is the most specific enzyme; it reacts only with β-d-glucose. This enzyme converts β-d-glucose to gluconic acid; oxygen is consumed and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced.

What is the best method of glucose estimation?

What is the principle of glucose oxidase method?

Other uses of glucose oxidase include the removal of oxygen from food packaging and removal of D-glucose from egg white to prevent browning. PRINCIPLE: Glucose oxidase catalyses the oxidation of β-D-glucose to D-glucono- δ-lactone with the concurrent release of hydrogen peroxide (1).

Which is the best method for testing blood glucose?

You can take a blood sugar test two ways. People who are monitoring or managing their diabetes prick their finger using a glucometer for daily testing. The other method is drawing blood. Blood samples are generally used to screen for diabetes.

What is Trinder’s test?

The Trinder spot test is a diagnostic test used in medicine to determine exposure to salicylates, particularly to salicylic acid. The test employs the Trinder reagent (a.k.a. Trinder solution) which is mixed with a patient’s urine.

What is God Pod method?

The GOD-POD method is linear (up to 500 mg/dl), sensitive (detection limit 0.3 mg/dl), simple (requires 10 microlitre of sample to be incubated for 30 minutes with single reagent at room temperature) and requires simple instrumentation (the absorbance to be read between 505 nm to 550 nm).

How is a polarographic method used for glucose determination?

SUMMARY A rapid polarographic technique for the determination of glucose with a Clark-type 02 electrode and glucose oxidase is described. The method is sensitive and accommodates a greater range of glucose concentrations than the conventional spectrophotometric glucose oxidase procedure.

What is the spectrophotometric method for glucose oxidase?

A Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination ofGlucose with Glucose Oxidase (1982). One unit ofenzyme activity (U) was defined as the amountofGOD which will oxidize 1.0 pmole of~-D-glucoseto D-gluconicacid and HP2per min under the conditions used.

Which is the best method for determining glucose?

Because of the general availability of glucose oxidase and its relative speed and specificity, the enzymic determination of glucose is the best method for glucose assay in complex mixtures.

How is Fehling’s solution test used for glucose analysis?

Fehling’s solution test is used for the analysis of glucose since long. The basic principal of this analysis is gravimetric analysis. It measures the concentration of glucose by measuring the mass of cuprous oxide produced due to the oxidation of glucose.

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