What are the properties of parallelogram and rectangle?

What are the properties of parallelogram and rectangle?


Quadrilateral Properties
Parallelogram 1) Opposite sides are equal. 2) Diagonals bisect one another. 3) Opposite angles are equal.
Rectangle 1) All the properties of a parallelogram. 2) Diagonals are equal. 3) Each of the angles is a right angle.

What are the properties of a quadrilateral parallelogram?

A parallelogram has four properties:

  • Opposite angles are equal.
  • Opposite sides are equal and parallel.
  • Diagonals bisect each other.
  • Sum of any two adjacent angles is 180°

What are the properties of parallelogram?

Convex polygon

How is a rectangle a parallelogram?

The vertices join the adjacent sides at 90° angles, which means the opposite sides of the rectangle are parallel lines. Since it has two sets of parallel sides and two pairs of opposite sides that are congruent, a rectangle has all of the properties of a parallelogram. That’s why a rectangle is always a parallelogram.

How do you prove a rectangle is a parallelogram?

Each pair of co-interior angles are supplementary, because two right angles add to a straight angle, so the opposite sides of a rectangle are parallel. This means that a rectangle is a parallelogram, so: Its opposite sides are equal and parallel. Its diagonals bisect each other.

When can a quadrilateral be called a parallelogram?

A quadrilateral can be called a parallelogram when both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.

What are the similarities and differences between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

Difference & Similarity between Rectangle & Parallelogram

Rectangle Parallelogram
Opposite sides of rectangle are of equal length Opposite sides of parallelogram are also of equal length
All angles of a Rectangle are also of 90 Degree each i.e. right angled at each vertex Angles of parallelogram can be of different degree

Is a rectangle a quadrilateral and a parallelogram?

A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles, so all rectangles are also parallelograms and quadrilaterals. On the other hand, not all quadrilaterals and parallelograms are rectangles. A rectangle has all the properties of a parallelogram, plus the following: The diagonals are congruent.

What are the rules of a quadrilateral?

Rules for Quadrilaterals. 1. These rules are the same for all quadrilaterals: a) They are all polygons. b) The interior angles ALWAYS add to 360 degrees. 2. These are the rules for rectangles a) The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent and bisect each other. b) Opposite sides are ALWAYS parallel.

What is quadrilateral with no equal sides?

A trapezoid (called a trapezium in the UK) has a pair of opposite sides parallel. And a trapezium (called a trapezoid in the UK) is a quadrilateral with NO parallel sides: An Isosceles trapezoid, as shown above, has left and right sides of equal length that join to the base at equal angles.

How do you describe a quadrilateral?

Quadrilateral is defined as a shape with four sides and four angles. An example of a quadrilateral is a rectangle.

Is a quadrilateral a rectangle?

A quadrilateral is any polygon with four sides. A rectangle, by definition, is a polygon with four sides and four right angles. Every rectangle is a quadrilateral because all rectangles must have four sides, which is the definition of a quadrilateral.

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