Was Musashi bigger than Yamato?

Was Musashi bigger than Yamato?

Launched in 1942 alongside its sister ship, the Yamato, the Musashi became the flagship of the main fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy the following year. Despite its massive size, the Musashi lacked sufficient aerial protection in the battle, and proved vulnerable to enemy torpedoes.

Who sank the battleship Yamato?

Weighing 72,800 tons and outfitted with nine 18.1-inch guns, the battleship Yamato was Japan’s only hope of destroying the Allied fleet off the coast of Okinawa. But insufficient air cover and fuel cursed the endeavor as a suicide mission. Struck by 19 American aerial torpedoes, it was sunk, drowning 2,498 of its crew.

Which was bigger Bismarck or Yamato?

The bismarck was a smaller faster, stronger armored ship, with smaller, but high quality guns, the Yamato class was bigger, slower ship, with bigger guns.

Who is the weakest country in the world?

Here are the forces that came in at the bottom of the list — the world’s weakest militaries.Nicaragua — overall rank: 122. Madagascar — overall rank: 123. Bosnia and Herzegovina — overall rank: 124. Dominican Republic — overall rank: 125. Gabon — overall rank: 126. Namibia — overall rank: 127. Panama — overall rank: 128.

Who will rule the world in 2030?

1) United States of America. No huge surprise that the United States takes the number one slot with a projected GDP of $23,857 (£16,380bn) billion in 2030.

Will AI rule the world?

Final Point: Machine learning and artificial intelligence are just tools. They can be used in the right or wrong way, like every other tools and machine in the world. So, relax AI will not rule the world and take over the humans.

Who will be superpower in 2030?

A new UBS (UBS) survey finds 57% of global investors predict China will replace the U.S. as the world’s biggest superpower by 2030.

Which country will be the superpower in 2025?


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