What were the ranks in the Aztec empire?

What were the ranks in the Aztec empire?

The Aztecs followed a strict social hierarchy in which individuals were identified as nobles (pipiltin), commoners (macehualtin), serfs, or slaves. The noble class consisted of government and military leaders, high level priests, and lords (tecuhtli).

What were the warrior classes of the Aztecs?

War was a source of prisoners for ritual sacrifices. Aztec society had four classes: the nobles, the commoners, the serfs, and the slaves. The only way to move up the social ladder was to become an elite warrior — the Jaguar warrior or the Eagle warrior.

Which of these things was an Aztec army symbol of rank?

Aztec symbols of rank included the right to wear certain feather headdresses, cloaks, and jewellery – lip, nose, and ear-plugs. Officers also wore large ensigns of reeds and feathers which towered above their shoulders. The most prestigious units were the cuauhchique or ‘shaved ones’ and the otontin or ‘otomies’.

How could an Aztec warrior increase his rank?

Gaining ranks as an Aztec warrior was based on how many enemy soldiers that warrior had captured. A warrior who had taken one captive would carry a macuahuitl, and a chimalli without any decorations.

What are Aztec warriors called?

Eagle warriors
Eagle warriors or eagle knights (Classical Nahuatl: cuāuhtli [ˈkʷaːʍtɬi] (singular) or cuāuhmeh [ˈkʷaːʍmeʔ] (plural)) were a special class of infantry soldier in the Aztec army, one of the two leading military special forces orders in Aztec society, the other being the Jaguar warriors.

Who was the strongest Aztec warrior?

The aggressive Ahuitzotl succeeded his brother, Tizoc, to the throne. He proved an effective warrior, conquering tribes as far south as present-day Guatemala and in territory along the Gulf of Mexico, using such tactics as forced marches, ambushes, and surprise attacks.

What were the two highest ranks of Aztec warriors?

The two highest military societies were the Otomies and the Shorn Ones. Otomies took their name from fierce tribe of fighters. The Shorn Ones was the most prestigious rank.

What is the Aztec warriors name?

Eagle warriors or eagle knights (Classical Nahuatl: cuāuhtli [ˈkʷaːʍtɬi] (singular) or cuāuhmeh [ˈkʷaːʍmeʔ] (plural)) were a special class of infantry soldier in the Aztec army, one of the two leading military special forces orders in Aztec society, the other being the Jaguar warriors.

Who were the Aztecs Warriors?

Aztec warriors were called a cuāuhocēlōtl [kʷaːwo’seːloːt͡ɬ]. The word cuāuhocēlōtl derives from the Eagle warrior cuāuhtli [kʷaːwt͡ɬi] and the Jaguar Warrior ocēlōtl [o’seːloːt͡ɬ]. Those Aztec warriors who demonstrated the most bravery and who fought well became either jaguar or eagle warriors.

What was the Aztecs military like?

In Aztec society being a soldier was considered very honorable and was the desired life for most men. Boys were allowed to join the army at the age of 17. The weapons they carried were maquahuitl, clubs, the atlatl, and bows and arrows. Higher classes wore featherwork, cotton armour, tlahuiztli suits, and wooden helmets.

Who was the Aztec Jaguar Warrior?

Aztec Jaguar Warriors. The Jaguar warrior, known as an ocēlōtl in classical Nahuatl , were the sister order to the Eagle warriors and some of he most elite warriors in the Aztec army. Their style and uniform was based on the Jaguar itself, with the warrior being dressed in animals skins, and a helmet or shroud that resembled the head of a jaguar.

Who was the Aztec Eagle Warrior?

The First type of Aztec warrior was the Eagle Warrior. The Eagle Warriors were the scouts of the Aztec Warriors as well as being good fighters. They were the eyes, ears, the messengers who would find the information necessary to lead and strategize an attack.

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