What is an ITEC certificate?

What is an ITEC certificate?

ITEC stands for the International Therapy Examination Council, who have been in existence since 1947. ITEC is an English-based therapy examination body, registered with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), and their qualifications are recognised internationally.

What is an ITEC qualification equivalent to?

This professional qualification is equivalent to an NVQ level 3 and is an internationally recognised qualification.

Is ITEC equivalent to a level?

Many ITEC courses, including the ITEC Level 3 massage course, which is equivalent to a Level 3 NVQ, don’t require any previous experience or knowledge.

Is ITEC equivalent to NVQ?

ITEC v NVQ They are both equally professional courses and are both generally set in college environments. Basically it is a qualification from a private training establishment that is running their course along the same guidelines as a nationally recognised qualification such as an NVQ.

What level is ITEC?

All Qualifications

Qualification Level ITEC Qual ID
Certificate in Bridal Make-up Level 2 2193
Certificate in Customer Service Level 1 2216
Certificate in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists Level 3 2140
Certificate in Education and Training Level 4 2214

What is ITEC course?

ITEC provides leading international qualifications, specialising in Beauty & Spa Therapy, Hairdressing, Complementary Therapies, Sports & Fitness Training and Customer Service with centres worldwide.

Is a Level 5 Diploma equivalent to a degree?

Level 5 qualifications are at a level equivalent to intermediate higher education qualifications such as diplomas of higher education, foundation and other degrees that do not typically provide access to postgraduate programmes. Level 4 qualifications are at a level equivalent to Certificates of Higher Education.

Is ITEC internationally Recognised?

iTEC qualifications are recognised on national and international qualifications frameworks worldwide and are the most employer-preferred qualifications in the industry, being highly sought after by beauty, sport, fitness and therapy businesses globally.

What is an NVQ Level 3 equivalent to?

A Level 3 qualification is the equivalent of an A-Level, not a degree. This qualification proves learners have the necessary knowledge and skills to study the specific discipline at a higher education level. Those looking for degree equivalent qualifications need to enrol on a Level 4 or Level 5 award.

Where is ITEC Recognised?

ITEC is Internationally Recognised ITEC qualified therapists are recognised in 33 countries including Ireland, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. ITEC provides in excess of 35 qualifications that are approved by the government of the United Kingdom.

What is the best beauty qualification?

CIDESCO diploma
A CIDESCO diploma is the highest qualification in the beauty and spa industry and is the only fully international qualification that is recognised by employers.

What is the full form of ITEC?

ITEC :Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation.

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