Are there any cases of people being abducted by UFOs?

Are there any cases of people being abducted by UFOs?

One of the most shocking cases involved an Air Force sargeant allegedly abducted by a saucer-like aircraft. The details are both grisly and strangely surgical: corpses found under the open sky with their eyes plucked out, tongues removed and private parts excised—all extracted with the utmost precision and leaving not a drop of blood.

What was the most shocking case of alien abduction?

READ MORE: How Betty and Barney Hill’s Alien Abduction Story Defined the Genre One of the most shocking cases, the Lovette-Cunningham incident, involves an American Air Force sargeant allegedly abducted by a saucer-like aircraft, after which his cleanly mutilated body was found in the New Mexico desert.

Are there any UFO sightings in Nome Alaska?

While his parents believed that his disappearance was caused by some fool play, later on, numerous UFO reports forced them to believe that there must be some connection between their son’s disappearance and the countless UFO sightings. Another example is a video from the Alaska police that was recorded on 5th October 2000 somewhere near Nome.

Is there a connection between UFOs and Bulls?

NPR reported on a 2019 incident in Colorado in which five young purebred bulls mysteriously showed up dead, drained of blood and with body parts cleanly excised. “A lot of people lean toward the aliens,” Harney County Sherriff’s Deputy Dan Jenkins told NPR.

What does Wikipedia say about the alien abduction?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, or UFO abduction, are experiences of being kidnapped by non-human entities ( aliens) and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

What did the coroner say about the UFOs?

In the Air Force medical examination report pertaining to the incident, English alleges that the coroner remarked on the apparent surgical skill used to remove the organs—in particular that the anus and genitalia had been neatly extracted like a plug.

Are there any cases of alien abduction in Texas?

Although the incident was not reported for over a decade, an apparent case of alien abduction from Texas in October 1994 would appear to be just one encounter of a discreet abundance of UFO activity in the Lone Star State at the time.

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