Are 08442 numbers free?
When you dial an 0844 number, you are calling a business-rate number (usually numbers starting with 08, 09 or 118) and will be charged accordingly. You will pay up to 7p and your mobile company’s access charge just as you would on your landline.
Is an 0330 number free?
0330 numbers are non-geographic numbers that cost the same as calling a standard UK landline with a 01 or 02 prefix. 0330 numbers were introduced in 2007 and since then they’ve become an increasingly popular choice for businesses as a cheaper alternative to 0800 numbers (Freephone).
Are calls to 0333 numbers free?
A call to a 0333 number costs the same cost as a regular call to a landline or mobile home. If your fixed telephony offers include phone calls, calls to 0333 numbers will be included in the same way. The 0333 numbers are not the same as 0800 and 0808 free, but there may be many free calling rate rates.
Is an 0344 number free?
If you’re a consumer or small business customer, calls to 0800, 0808 and 116 numbers are free from your mobile and landline. Many organisations use 03 numbers such as 0300, 0344 or 0345 as an alternative to more expensive 084 and 087 numbers. Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than a call to a 01 or 02 number.
How can I get a free alternative phone number?
To sign up, head to and choose “For Personal Use” for the free tier. You’ll be able to pick a phone number, attach it to your Google Account, and forward calls and texts from that number to your existing phone(s)—even an old flip phone.
How much do 0330 calls cost from a mobile?
How much do 0330 numbers cost? You will use the same calling rates as those of 01 and 02 landlines if you call using the 0330 numbers. Typically, it costs between 3 pence to 5 pence to call from landlines and mobile phones.
Who called me 0330?
⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 0330 that called you is a bank scam!
Can I call 0333 from my mobile?
An 0333 number is now charged at the same rate as an 01 or 02 number and so will cost the same as calling a normal landline number. If you are using a mobile then the duration of the call to the 0333 number will simply be deducted from your monthly allowance, assuming you are on a contract payment scheme.