Where is Walter Cronkite?

Where is Walter Cronkite?

His beloved wife Betsy died of cancer at the age of 89. Four years later, in mid-2009, Cronkite was reported to be ill with cerebrovascular disease. He died at his home in New York City on July 17, 2009, at the age of 92. He was buried next to his wife at their family cemetery plot in Kansas City, Missouri.

What were Walter Cronkite’s last words?

On March 6, 1981, CBS Evening News anchor Walter Cronkite signs off with his trademark valediction, “And that’s the way it is,” for the final time.

How old is Walter Cronkite?

92 years (1916–2009)
Walter Cronkite/Age at death

Why did Walter Cronkite retire?

On February 14, 1980, Cronkite announced that he intended to retire from the CBS Evening News; at the time, CBS had a policy of mandatory retirement by age 65. His last day in the anchor chair at the CBS Evening News was on March 6, 1981; he was succeeded the following Monday by Dan Rather.

How old was Walter Cronkite when he died?

Walter Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916 and died on July 17, 2009. Walter was 92 years old at the time of death. Birthday: November 4, 1916. Date of Death: July 17, 2009.

What are the names of Walter Cronkite’s children?

They had three children: Nancy Cronkite, Mary Kathleen (Kathy) Cronkite, and Walter Leland (Chip) Cronkite III (who is married to actress Deborah Rush). Cronkite dated singer Joanna Simon from 2005 to 2009. A grandson, Walter Cronkite IV, now works at CBS.

How did Walter Cronkite affect the news media?

The Project for Excellence in Journalism found that, as broadcast news viewership has declined, losing a million viewers a year for the last 20 years, traffic on the top 50 news Web sites increased 27 percent last year. In 1987, six years after he retired, Cronkite said he could see the handwriting on the wall about the future of network news.

Why was Walter Cronkite named host of you are There?

Walter Cronkite, with his serious demeanor and unpretentious style – honed by his years of unvarnished reporting at UP – was named host of “You Are There” in which key moments of history were recreated by actors. Cronkite was depicted on camera interviewing “Joan of Arc” or “Sigmund Freud.” But somehow, he managed to make it believable.

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