What is use of Maven Shade plugin?
This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade – i.e. rename – the packages of some of the dependencies.
What is a shaded Maven jar?
Together literally it means “jar-over-all-other-jars”. ” Shading” is the same as “package reallocation” which is needed for classes or resources that collide. –
How does Maven create uber jar?
To create an executable uber JAR, one simply needs to set the main class that serves as the application entry point:
- …
- org. apache. maven. plugins
- maven-shade-plugin
- 3.2. 4
How do you use a shaded jar?
Step-by-step shading with Gradle
- Add the plugin. First we need to add the plugin we will be using.
- Configure the top-level dependency we want to shade. Add a dependency on the jar you wish to shade.
- Configure any transitive dependencies we don’t want to shade.
- Set up the packages we want to relocate.
- Publish our shaded jar.
How do I create a fat jar in gradle?
To build a Fat JAR, you need to configure the Shadow plugin first:
- Open the build.gradle(.kts) file and add the plugin to the plugins block: plugins { id ‘com.github.johnrengelman.shadow’ version ‘7.0.0’ }
- Add the shadowJar task: shadowJar { manifest { attributes ‘Main-Class’: ‘com.example.ApplicationKt’ } }
What does shaded jar mean?
Shading is an extension to the uber JAR idea which is typically limited to use cases where. The JAR is a library to be used inside another application/library. The authors of the JAR want to be sure that the dependencies used by the JAR are in their control.
What is a shaded library?
To Shade a library is to take the contents files of said library, put them in your own jar, and change their package. This is different from packaging which is simply shipping the libraries files in side your own jar without relocating them to a different package. Technically speaking, dependencies are shaded.
What is maven Jar plugin?
The maven jar plugin provides the capability to build jars files, if you define that your project is packaged as a jar file, maven will call implicitely to this plugin. We don´t need to define it inside pom. xml it will be downloaded and executed when maven needs it. Despite that, we can define it inside pom.
What is maven Assembly plugin?
The Assembly Plugin for Maven enables developers to combine project output into a single distributable archive that also contains dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files. Your project can easily build distribution “assemblies” using one of the prefabricated assembly descriptors.
What is a shadow jar?
Shadow is a Gradle plugin for combining a project’s dependency classes and resources into a single output Jar. Shadow utilizes JarInputStream and JarOutputStream to efficiently process dependent libraries into the output jar without incurring the I/O overhead of expanding the jars to disk.
What are shaded libraries?
Shading is a process where a dependency is relocated to a different Java package and copied into the same JAR file as the code that relies on that dependency. The main purpose of shading is to avoid conflicts between the versions of dependencies used by a library and the versions used by the consumers of that library.
What should project structure look like for Maven shade plugin?
Project structure looks like this. When you run the package goal in project’s root directory, you will get two generated jar files i.e. and one extra pom.xml file named with dependency-reduced-pom.xml. MavenShadeExample-uber.jar : This is fat/uber jar with all dependencies inside it.
Is there a shader plugin for Apache Maven?
Mojo that performs shading delegating to the Shader component. Requires a Maven project to be executed. Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: runtime. Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: package. Artifacts to include/exclude from the final artifact.
How can we use shade plugin to build the jar?
Let us understand how we can use shade plugin to build the jar using an example in the eclipse IDE. Step 1: The first step is to create a new maven project in your eclipse IDE that contains the general format of the maven project shown below.
Where can I find the shade plugin in Apache?
General instructions on how to use the Shade Plugin can be found on the usage page. Some more specific use cases are described in the examples given below. In case you still have questions regarding the plugin’s usage, please feel free to contact the user mailing list.