What is DCR of the eye?
A dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a type of surgery done to create a new tear drain between your eyes and your nose. You may need this surgery if your own tear duct has become blocked.
Can I drive after tear duct surgery?
Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are taking opioid pain medicine. When should I call my doctor? Unless your healthcare provider says it’s okay: • Avoid any heavy lifting or straining for 7 days. Avoid flying for the first 2 days after surgery.
Can you drive after tear duct surgery?
How do you remove a DCR tube?
The tube is simply removed externally by grasping it at the medial canthus with non-toothed forceps and firmly pulling laterally in a single movement (Figure 1c). This obviates the need of any intranasal manipulation or tube cutting. The short sleeve segment rests within the nose before finding its own way out.
How is Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery performed?
Dacryocystorhinostomy surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. It may be done under local anesthesia, with the patient sedated with intravenous medications, or under general anesthesia, in which case the patient will sleep through the operation.
How long is recovery from tear duct surgery?
The patient is placed under local or general anesthesia and the surgeon then makes an incision and inserts a stent for drainage. Recovery takes about a week and, after several months, the doctor might remove the stent. The Mayo Clinic has an overview of blocked tear duct treatment.
How is surgery done to treat blocked tear ducts?
The surgery that’s commonly used to treat blocked tear ducts is called dacryocystorhinostomy (DAK-ree-oh-sis-toe-rye-nohs-tuh-me). This procedure opens the passageway for tears to drain out your nose again. First you’re given a general anesthetic, or a local anesthetic if it’s performed as an outpatient procedure.
What is tear duct surgery?
Tear duct surgery, or dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), is a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmolgists to unblock or drain obstructed or infected tear ducts or other portions of the tear (lacrimal) system. A blockage of the tear system can result in excessive tearing, lack of tears, or infection within the drainage system.