Is AHCCCS Medicaid?

Is AHCCCS Medicaid?

Founded in 1982, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (written as AHCCCS and pronounced ‘access’) is Arizona’s Medicaid program, a federal health care program jointly funded by the federal and state governments for individuals and families who qualify based on income level.

What is Medicaid called in Arizona?

The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid agency, and Medicaid within the state is often referred to as “AHCCCS.” Although the agency provides the medical insurance coverage, DES determines the eligibility for Medicaid.

What are the eligibility requirements for Medicaid in Arizona?

To be eligible for Arizona Medicaid, you must be a resident of Arizona, a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien, in need of health care/insurance assistance, whose financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income. You must also be one of the following: Pregnant, or.

How do I check my AHCCCS status?

Information on that process can be obtained by calling the AHCCCS Help Desk at (602) 417-4451. AHCCCS has developed a Web application that allows providers to verify eligibility and enrollment using the Internet. Providers also can obtain Medicare/TPL information for a member.

How much money can you make and still get AHCCCS?

You and your family can usually get AHCCCS (AHCCCS) if your family’s income is at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) ($17,774 for an individual in 2021, $36,570 for a family of four).

What is monthly income limit for AHCCCS?

AHCCCS offers health insurance for adult relatives who are living with and caring for a child under 19 years old and who meet income and eligibility requirements….Income Limits.

Household Size Gross Monthly Income Limit Effective 02/01/2021
1 $1,138
2 $1,539
3 $1,940
4 $2,341

How long do you have to live in Arizona to be considered a resident?

nine months
Documents required to prove residency include proof of employment or an Arizona state income tax return. And the Arizona Department of Revenue considers a person who lives in Arizona for nine months of a taxable year to be a resident.

Why does Arizona not have Medicaid?

Arizona froze enrollment in KidsCare—its version of the Children’s Health Insurance Program— in 2010, and discontinued KidsCare at the end of January 2014 due to lack of funding. For more than two years, Arizona was the only state that didn’t have CHIP.

How much money can you have and still get Medicaid?

In 2021, a single Medicaid applicant must have income less than $2,382 per month and may keep up to $2,000 in countable assets to qualify financially. Generally, the government considers certain assets to be exempt or “non-countable” (usually up to a specific allowable amount).

How long does Ahcccs coverage last?

Medical coverage may continue for up to 12 months when: Your family received AHCCCS Health Insurance benefits in Arizona in three of the last six months; AND. The person working is the parent or other relative caring for a minor child in the home.

How to apply for Medicaid in Arizona online?

Provider Enrollment Services Available Online Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid agency that offers health care programs to serve Arizona residents. Individuals must meet certain income and other requirements to obtain services.

Where can I get health care in Arizona?

Provider Services Available at AHCCCS Online. Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid agency that offers health care programs to serve Arizona residents. Individuals must meet certain income and other requirements to obtain services.

Is the Arizona health care cost containment system confidential?

This system contains State of Arizona and U.S. Government information. This information is confidential under state and federal law. Use and disclosure of this information is limited to purposes directly related to the administration of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.

Is the AHCCCS online application confidential in Arizona?

Warning: The information provided through the AHCCCS Online Web Application is confidential under state and federal law. Use and disclosure of this information is limited to purposes directly related to the administration of Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.

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