What is blue native PAGE?

What is blue native PAGE?

Blue native PAGE (BN-PAGE) permits a high-resolution separation of multi-protein complexes under native conditions. Blue native (BN)-PAGE is a charge shift method, in which the electrophoretic mobility of a complex is determined by the negative charge of the bound Coomassie dye and the size and shape of the complex.

What is blue native electrophoresis?

Blue Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) is a method for the isolation of intact protein complexes. Although it was initially used to study mitochondrial respiratory chain enzymes, it can also be applied to other protein complexes.

What is the principle of native page?

Native PAGE Principle: Proteins are prepared in a non-reducing non-denaturing sample buffer, which maintains the proteins’ secondary structure and native charge density. Therefore you can easily see multiple bands from the camshot of your native PAGE gel if your target protein has polymerized forms in your sample.

What is a blue native gel?

BN-PAGE or Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis is a common and inexpensive technique to resolve protein complexes by molecular weight while retaining their native structure through gel electrophoresis.

Why does SDS-PAGE have two pH?

Gel Layers: It Takes Two The top (stacking) layer has a lower percentage of acrylamide and a lower pH (6.8) than the bottom (resolving) layer, which has more acrylamide and a higher pH (8.8). SDS PAGE is run in a discontinuous buffer system. The running buffer has different ions and a different pH than the gels.

How do I create a native PAGE?

Native PAGE gels are prepared by mixing an acrylamide/bisacrylamide monomer concentrate (AccuGel 19:1 or 29:1), buffer concentrate and water to achieve the desired gel concentration. TEMED and ammonium persulfate are added to initiate polymerization and the solution is poured into a cassette. The comb is then inserted.

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