What does the word Zareba mean?
: an improvised stockade constructed in parts of Africa especially of thorny bushes.
What does distribute mean science?
1. The specific location or arrangement of continuing or successive objects or events in space or time. 2. The extent of a ramifying structure such as an artery or nerve and its branches. 3.
What does attenuate mean in science?
: the act or process of attenuating something or the state of being attenuated: such as. a : a lessening in amount, force, magnitude, or value : weakening Sound can travel thousands of kilometers in this planar acoustic waveguide with little attenuation.—
What does critically mean in science?
Chemistry & Physics Of or relating to the value of a measurement, such as temperature, at which an abrupt change in a quality, property, or state occurs: A critical temperature of water is 100°C, its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure.
What is the meaning to distribute?
transitive verb. 1 : to divide among several or many : apportion distribute expenses distributes toys to needy children. 2a : to spread out so as to cover something : scatter evenly distribute the seeds.
How do you use distribute?
1to give things to a large number of people; to share something between a number of people distribute something The newspaper is distributed free. distribute something to somebody/something The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims.
Is attenuation good or bad?
The greater the attenuation in a circuit, then more signal will be lost. So lower attenuation cable is always better but it comes at a price. Designers must make tradeoffs between cost, availability and “good enough” designs that make sense for everyone. However, not all attenuation is bad.
What does crosstalk mean?
1 : unwanted signals in a communication channel (as in a telephone, radio, or computer) caused by transference of energy from another circuit (as by leakage or coupling) 2a : conversation that does not relate to the main topic being discussed.
Are scientists critical thinkers?
Critical thinking is at the heart of scientific inquiry. A good scientist is one who never stops asking why things happen, or how things happen. Science makes progress when we find data that contradicts our current scientific ideas. Critical thinking can be developed through focussed learning activities.
What is an example of distribute?
Distribute is defined as to divide, scatter or hand out. An example of distribute is to give a handout to each student in the class.
What is mean distribute?
What is the meaning of the word zareba?
Definition of zareba : an improvised stockade constructed in parts of Africa especially of thorny bushes First Known Use of zareba 1849, in the meaning defined above
What kind of Stockade is a zareba?
: an improvised stockade constructed in parts of Africa especially of thorny bushes.
How did the zareba get to the gateway?
Behind the warriors and inside the zareba was a still larger assemblage of women and children. They were carried away from the fires and through rows of grass huts to the gateway of the zareba. With a quick motion the boy stooped and caught it up, whirled it around, and sent it flying across the zareba.
Who is Wojciech zareba and what does he do?
Wojciech Zareba, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, and colleagues randomized high-risk ICD patients with ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy to 1,000 mg ranolazine twice daily (510 patients) or placebo (502 patients). (2.) Baranchuk A, Nguyen T, Ryu MH, Femenia F, Zareba W, Wilde AA, et al.