What do you feed a show steer?
Feed a clean, high quality grass hay. Provide as much hay as he will eat and still clean up his grain. Protein content should be between 10.5 and 12 percent. This will promote optimal growth and market readiness.
How much feed should a show steer eat per day?
A 500-pound steer may be able to eat only 12 pounds of feed (hay and grain combined) per day. A market- weight steer may gobble 25 to 30 pounds a day. Most steers average around 18 to 20 pounds a day over the entire feeding period.
How much should a show steer gain per day?
Show steers normally are on feed about 270 days and gain between 2.0 and 3.5 pounds a day. This rate of gain and growth can be con- trolled slightly for faster or slower gain by regulating the feed ration and amount fed.
What is a good feed ration for cattle?
Nutrition. Cattle weighing 700 pounds or more should be fed a ration containing 11 percent crude protein in a ration composed of grain (usually corn, but barley and wheat are often also used), protein sources, and roughage.
What is the best grain to feed a steer?
Corn and milo are the principal grains fed to beef cattle. Limiting wheat to 50 percent and oats to 30 percent of the grain in finishing rations of beef cattle is recommended. Some experienced feeders use larger amounts of wheat successfully.
How much grain should a 400 lb calf eat?
pound calf will need to consume in the neighborhood of 7 to 8 pounds of grain daily. Small amounts of hay will compliment the grain ration for these 8 to 12 week old animals.
How long do you feed out a steer?
The amount of time on feed can vary from 60-150 days. For a backyard steer, 90 days on grain should be sufficient. The grain component will help him gain faster and change the flavor of the beef to more closely match what is purchased in the grocery store.
Can you over feed a steer?
Over-eating a forage will likely not hurt the cow, but will increase feed costs. Cows over-eating grains is not a good situation. This will usually result in acidosis, founder, reduction in performance, and sometimes death of the animal.
How long does it take to feed out a steer?
How do you fatten up a steer?
Fattening cattle should be fed a mineral supplement. If a high concentrate (grain) ration is fed, a mineral supplement consisting of two parts dicalcium phosphate, two parts limestone, and six parts trace mineralized salt should be fed free choice.
What is the best grain to feed cattle?
What is the best steer feed?
Some common grains fed to steers are corn and oats. Corn is the most common ingredient in steer rations. Corn is a feed high in energy and moderate as a protein source for finishing steers. Steers like to eat corn and will do best when it is cracked or very coarsely ground.
What does a show steer cost?
“Based on recent price data, the third-quarter 2019 feeder steer price was lowered by $4 to $138 per cwt. Because of the expected continuation of weaker fed cattle prices and a slower pace of marketing, the 2019 fourth-quarter feeder steer price forecast was lowered $5 from the prior month to $133,” ERS analysts report.
What is steer/corn ratio?
Simply stated, the steer-corn ratio is the number of bushels of corn it takes to equal the value of one-hundredweight of fed steer. This ratio divides the price of cattle ($/cwt) by the price of corn ($/bushel). Using this formula, a 1,000-pound steer worth $1 per pound and corn at $2 per bushel would yield a steer-corn ratio of 50. Raise the
What are feed rations for cattle?
Rations for finishing beef cattle are high energy rations designed to put gain on as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Beef cattle on finishing or full feed rations are typically allowed to eat as much as they can consume. An animal on full feed will eat approximately 85% of its ration as grain and the remaining 15% as forage.