How long should you Nordic walk?
As you become more familiar with Nordic walking, you can walk farther and farther. Extend your walk from 30 minutes to 50 minutes over a week period, incorporating some uphill walks and different terrains. Use caution and discretion while deciding how far to walk, listening to what your muscles are telling you.
How much faster is Nordic walking?
It arose from the fact that I completed last Sunday’s 20km Nordic walking race in 2hrs 32 mins at an average pace of 4.9mph (7.8kmph). As I mentioned in an earlier blog (Nordic Walking Challenge Race) the average walking pace is just over 3 miles per hour (5 kmph). A brisk walking pace is around 4 mph (6.5 kmph).
Is Nordic walking bad for you?
Nordic walking is also associated with reductions in fat mass, “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and waist circumference, and increases in “good” HDL cholesterol, endurance, muscle strength and flexibility, walking distance, cardiovascular fitness, and quality of life.
Is Nordic walking good exercise?
Benefits. Nordic walking combines cardiovascular exercise with a vigorous muscle workout for your shoulders, arms, core, and legs. “When you walk without poles, you activate muscles below the waist. When you add Nordic poles, you activate all of the muscles of the upper body as well,” Dr.
What does Nordic walking do to your body?
Nordic walking combines cardiovascular exercise with a vigorous muscle workout for your shoulders, arms, core, and legs. “When you walk without poles, you activate muscles below the waist. When you add Nordic poles, you activate all of the muscles of the upper body as well,” Dr. Baggish explains.
What should I do before a Nordic walk?
“Drink water in advance if you’ll be walking less than an hour. Otherwise, drink along your route,” Dr. Baggish suggests. Do a 10-minute warm-up and a 10-minute cool-down. Nordic walking is fun, but it’s definitely a workout.
Is it good to join a Nordic Walking Club?
Plus, Nordic walking is fun. It can be a great social activity if you join one of the Nordic walking clubs popping up across the country. To find one near you, search the Internet or contact your local parks and recreation department.
Where can I go to walk with Nordic Poles?
“You go to the train station on Saturdays and there are droves of people over 70 waiting to go up to the mountains to walk with Nordic poles,” says Dr. Baggish, director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.