How can I learn to play the violin for free?
Learn to play the violin – basic violin lessons, song tutorials, violin practice routine, free violin sheet music – you name it, I create it! New violin tutorials and lessons every week, where you’ll get easy violin play-alongs, lessons, tutorials and more.
How often do you take Suzuki violin lessons?
Beth, Thank you for providing us with such a rich, thoughtful, sensitively presented curriculum. I am 53 years old and have been working through Suzuki book 1 this past year while taking a lesson once per month.
What’s the name of the online violin lab?
Dear Beth, (I hope you don’t mind if I call you by your first name – I feel I know you a little, just from your videos.) I just wanted to say, having stumbled across ViolinLab during a random internet search last month, I am positively HUMBLED by the scale and scope of this incredible resource you are offering.
Why did I go to the violin lab?
I’m not sure what clicks led me to Violin Lab this morning, but after the first minute into one of your informational video clips, I got pretty excited about your program offering: it’s structured, its vast, it SYSTEMATIC.
What’s the average length of a violin lesson?
For the best experience, we typically recommend 60-minute violin lessons. However, students looking for a more affordable option may want to consider a shorter lesson length of 45 or 30 minutes.
What happens to your hands when you play the violin?
Playing violin also requires multitasking, with your right and left hands moving independently. As a result, playing violin increases hand-eye coordination. As you play, your fingers will gain strength and dexterity, improving almost everything you do with your hands from playing video games to knitting.