How are strong formative assessment practices are enabled?
Strong formative assessment practices are enabled when: teachers have a deep understanding of the curriculum, and the continuum of student learning teachers have high expectations of their students and design and modify the learning program as part of a continual process based on the feedback it provides17
What can top hat do for a formative assessment?
Top Hat’s formative assessment capabilities can help. Facilitate the one-minute paper exercise in-app using an interactive discussion board. Platforms like Kahoot! and Socrative can also be used for running polls and discussions as a quick formative assessment example.
How are summative assessments different from formative assessments?
Formative and summative assessments can easily be confused. Elements of the formative assessment process identify misconceptions or learning gaps throughout a course. But summative assessments evaluate student learning and measure success at the very end of a course or unit of study.
How can I use Socrative for formative assessment?
With an online platform such as Socrative, you can write questions that correspond with your lessons, pre-scheduling them or sending them to students on-the-spot. Because they quickly and privately respond using devices, you shouldn’t have trouble eliciting answers from those who don’t typically raise their hands.
How are stop and Go cards used in formative assessment?
Allow students to give you real-time feedback as you teach with “stop and go” cards. Purchasable or assignable as an art task, they’re two-sided cards — one green and one red. As you deliver a lesson, students should hold the green side toward you if they understand everything. If something’s unclear, encourage them to turn the red side forward.
How are interim assessments different from formative assessments?
Interim assessments are different than formative in that they are designed to benchmark and monitor progress by providing multiple data points across time through periodic snapshots that are typically grade-
Who is the author of the formative assessment?
Educator and author Judith Dodge provides a variety of techniques for incorporating formative assessments into classroom practice and describes how this can assist in differentiating instruction.
Which is an example of direct feedback in a formative assessment?
Direct feedback that automatically flows from an activity. For example, students who are asked to mix water colors to produce new colors using color theory. Feedback based on observation such as feedback from a teacher or peer. Extrinsic feedback can also involve a student viewing their own performance on video.