Does Imgur support PNG?

Does Imgur support PNG?

A handy tool for sharing videos you’ve found online that you’d like to share on Imgur is our Vid2Gif tool! The maximum file size for non-animated images (think JPG, PNG, etc) is 20MB. PNG files over 5MB will be converted to JPEGs. There is an upload limit of 50 images per hour.

Is the Imgur API free?

The Imgur API is free for non-commercial usage. Your application is probably free if you don’t plan on making any money with it, or if it’s open source.

How do I get Imgur API?

How To Get Access to the Imgur API (Imgur API Key)?

  1. Sign up for a RapidAPI User Account.
  2. Navigate to the Imgur API Page.
  3. Subscribe to the Imgur API.
  4. Register an Imgur application.
  5. Connect the application to your account.
  6. Obtain the access token.
  7. Head to the Imgur RapidAPI page and fill in the Header Parameters section.
  8. Gallery.

How do I upload an image to Imgur API?

Go to, register your application and generate the client ID. All HTTP requests for uploading images to Imgur must include the client_id in the authorization header and this would also let you upload images anonymously without the image being tied to your personal Imgur account.

Is Imgur good for art?

Personally, I do not recommend Imgur to post artwork. Imgur is, to my knowledge, a platform for sharing photography work. That’s not to say that people don’t post artwork there, however, I still don’t recommend it. You can, though, post on some other great art sites.

How does Imgur API work?

Imgur’s API exposes the entire Imgur infrastructure via a standardized programmatic interface. Using Imgur’s API, you can do just about anything you can do on, while using your programming language of choice. The Imgur API is a RESTful API based on HTTP requests and JSON responses.

Does Imgur decrease quality?

Imgur uses both types of compressions. Every image that goes in is compressed by lossless compression because there’s no reason not to. It reduces the size of the images with no downside. So, your image is mostly like experiencing lossy compression and therefore losing a the original quality.

Can I host images on Imgur?

If you need somewhere to host an image for using in Flashissue try going to It’s quick and easy and you do not need to register for an account in order to upload and host your image.

Which is the best version of the Imgur API?

The Imgur API is a RESTful API based on HTTP requests and JSON responses. This version of the API, version 3, uses OAuth 2.0. This means that all requests will need to be encrypted and sent via HTTPS.

How to use UMOD-Imgur API by mjsu?

Copy the Client Id to the client Id in the config. Contains a list of images to be upload to imgur List > Returns the response from the API Call as a Hash

How to get an access token for Imgur?

In Postman, under the main request builder panel, click the Authorization tab. Click the Get New Access Token button. Set Auth URL to and Access Token URL to

Do you have to be commercial to use Imgur?

Your application is commercial if you’re making any money with it (which includes in-app advertising), if you plan on making any money with it, or if it belongs to a commercial organization. To use Imgur’s API commercially, you must first register your application. Once that’s done, you must register with RapidAPI.

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