The first step to sobriety or recovery from alcohol and substance addiction is to admit that you have a problem. But, it is common for addicts to deny or hide their habit of drinking or taking drugs. This denial develops into avoidance, which means they are a lot less likely to end up at somewhere like this Pacific Ridge drug treatment center where they could receive the care and treatment they need.
Below are the five signs that someone is denying addiction but needs immediate professional attention-
Avoiding Talking About Addiction
Whenever someone talks about alcohol addiction, the addicts often refuse to talk about it. If you point out their habit of drinking, they may walk away from the conversation. They may even refuse to take your calls.
Why? Well, people who need help may feel like it’s not worth discussing substance e abuse or addiction. Neither they would answer your questions, nor would they admit their addiction habit. Also, they avoid social gatherings and people when they feel that they will have to answer their alcohol abuse.
Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms Suddenly
One important sign that your loved one is falling for addiction is when they start experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. This sign tells that they are not just thinking about taking alcohol or drugs but have taken actions on their thoughts.
The withdrawal symptoms may vary depending upon the severity of the addiction. Moreover, the signs and symptoms also vary depending upon the substances taken. If the person starts experiencing relapse or withdrawal symptoms, it’s time to take them to a good alcohol rehabilitation center, like the drug rehab center Boston.
The Boston Rehab Facilities offer professional treatment that caters to the individual needs. Whether you are looking for alcohol detox treatment or behavioral counseling, Inpatient rehab Boston has got you covered.
Ignoring The Relationships
Sometimes, the lack of maintaining personal relationships also means that something is wrong with the individual. Those who spend less time with their family or friends, break promises, argue, lie, and resent the loved ones who try to help them are likely to experience alcohol relapse.
One great way to fight against this problem is to look for an alcohol rehab center in Boston and encourage them to go for treatment. Tell them that they can talk to you about the issues they are experiencing. They will respond when they feel loved and supported.
Comparing The Behaviors
If your loved one starts comparing their bad behavior with someone else’s, it means they are denying an addiction. Some of the examples include-
- At least, I don’t take heroin.
- My friend drinks twice than I do.
- I drink only at parties, etc.
By saying such things, people actually want to say that this situation could be worse. It might be right, but that is pointless. No matter how many times they try to prove that they are better than others, their addictive behavior needs immediate attention.
Hiding Substances
You can’t tell how much a person drinks or how many pills they take. People in denial often try to hide their substance use. All it starts by sneaking small amounts of substances until they are allowed to have them. For example, taking a few sips from a bottle here and there, taking extra pills along, etc.
Though it adds a bit more to what they might be already taking, they may also use it as a way to fool everyone. This type of behavior is also common for individuals who are addicted to prescription pills. In this situation, it is crucial to look for drug rehab near me and explain why the treatment is necessary for him/her.
These are some of the signs that a person denies the habit of taking drugs or alcohol but needs treatment.