Which covenant is best for Resto Druid PvP?

Which covenant is best for Resto Druid PvP?

Best Covenant for Restoration Druid in PvP Currently, the Necrolord’s class ability Adaptive Swarm provides a solid increase to your single target healing throughput which is an incredibly valuable addition to a Restoration Druid’s toolkit in arenas where you’re only healing a handful of targets.

Is Resto Druid good in PvP Shadowlands?

PvP. Restoration Druids are in a great spot PvP-wise due to Cyclone, a spammable CC spell, as well as their powerful HoTs and on-demand damage. You have a wide array of tools to deal with your opponents, making you a flexible teammate in arenas or rated battlegrounds.

Is Resto Druid good in PvP?

Ultimately, Resto Druids are very good offensively right now, utilizing lots of different crowd control abilities. With passive damage being way lower, you will not die instantly while in Bear form.

What is the best legendary for Resto Druid PvP?

Verdant Infusion stands out as the best legendary for resto druids, and should be crafted and ranked up before crafting any other legendary. Memory of the Verdant Infusion drops from a world boss, and so will be obtainable whenever Oranomonos the Everbranching can be killed.

What is the best Soulbind for resto druid?

Restoration Druid’s choice of soulbind for Night Fae at Renown 40 is either Niya or Dreamweaver.

What is the best covenant for resto druid?

Best Covenants for Restoration Druids

Best Raid Covenants
Below Average – Mostly single target healing. Plague Deviser Marileth
Night Fae – Convoke the Spirits Fantastic – Strong burst healing ability. Dreamweaver/Niya
Venthyr – Ravenous Frenzy Good – Strong burst but long cooldown. Theotar

How do you play Resto Druid TBC?

Best PvE Rotation for Restoration Druid Healing in Burning Crusade

  1. Keep up 3 stacks of Lifebloom without letting it fall off.
  2. Keep Rejuvenation up on the target.
  3. Keep a max rank Regrowth up on the target.
  4. Cast down-ranked Regrowth.
  5. Use Swiftmend for bursts of healing.

What is the best resto druid legendary?

Best Restoration Druid Legendaries

  • Celestial Spirits – Night Fae Only.
  • Vision of Unending Growth.
  • Verdant Infusion.
  • The Dark Titan’s Lesson.
  • Circle of Life and Death.
  • Kindred Affinity – Kyrian Only.
  • Memory of the Mother Tree.

What is the best legendary for druid?

Best Balance Druid Legendaries

  • Sinful Hysteria – VENTHYR ONLY.
  • Primordial Arcanic Pulsar.
  • Balance of All Things.
  • Circle of Life and Death.
  • Timeworn Dreambinder.

What Covenant is best for resto druids?

Night Fae
Why Night Fae Is the Best Covenant for Restoration Druid Necrolord can provide better damage output than Night Fae in Mythic+, and it is the best PvP covenant.

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