What is the maximum for small claims court in Ontario?

What is the maximum for small claims court in Ontario?

The Small Claims Court is a branch of the Superior Court of Justice, and handles nearly half of all civil claims in the province. The Court has civil jurisdiction over monetary claims up to $35,000, and provides an efficient and cost-effective forum for Ontarians to bring or defend these claims.

What is the filing fee for a claim in the Ontario Small Claims Court?

$215 for filing a claim. $121 for filing of a request for default judgment. $380 for setting a date for a trial or an assessment hearing. $120 for filing a Notice of Motion for an Assessment in Writing.

Can you sue for $50?

Legally, you can sue someone for any amount in court. The only criteria which has to be met, is that there is a valid cause of action. This refers to issues such as an unpaid debt. If you lent someone $150, and they never paid you back, you can legally sue them and take them to small claims court.

What expenses can you claim in small claims court?

You can only claim certain costs against your opponent if you win in the Small Claims Court. These are known as “Fixed Costs”. They include any court fee you have paid, but not your solicitor’s charges. You can claim your travel expenses and loss of earnings if these relate to your attendance at court.

What is the smallest amount for small claims court?

There’s not a minimum amount you can sue for in small claims court, but most courts have a filing fee that will be between $25 and $50.

Do I have to pay costs if I lose in small claims court?

In the Small Claims Track, the costs that a losing party will pay to the victor have been restricted by the Civil Procedure Rules to minimise financial risk to parties. Generally therefore, the court will allow the successful party to recover limited costs such as court fees and witness expenses.

How do I file claim in Small Claims Court?

In order to file a claim in small claims court, you or your attorney must go to the clerk’s office and file a statement of claim under oath or file a sworn statement of the claim. Typically, the clerk will have a blank form for you to fill out. You will need to know the Defendant’s address and the amount you are suing for.

What can I claim for in Small Claims Court?

Most disputes involving money can be filed in small claims court. Small claims court is often used to collect a bad debt. It’s relatively simple to present evidence demonstrating that the debt was owed but not paid. Once a creditor receives the judgment, the creditor can use collection techniques to collect the debt.

How can I sue in Small Claims Court?

How to Sue in Small Claims Court. Filing the Claim: To sue in small claims court and file a formal claim, you must complete a Claim of Plaintiff form. This document will name who you are suing, the basis of your claim, and how much you are asking to be awarded. Once you file your Claim with the court, the Court Clerk will set a hearing.

What can you sue for in Small Claims Court?

Any individual, business or corporation may sue another individual, business or corporation in Small Claims Court. Usually you can sue for property damage, some landlord/tenant disputes, broken verbal or written contracts, bad cheques, unpaid artist fees, or the collection of personal debts.

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