What is ski slang?

What is ski slang?

Planker: Slang for skier. Piste: The French word for trail/ slope/ run.

What do you say to a skier?

Skiing quotes and snowboarding sayings

  • “If you’re not falling, you’re not learning”
  • “I love big dumps”
  • “Let it snow!”
  • “My drug of choice is white powder”
  • “My life is going downhill”
  • “No friends on a powder day”
  • “Ski good or eat wood”
  • “Skiing is a dance, and the mountain always leads”

What does skied off mean?

Off-piste: Either an out of bounds area, or in bound runs that are not specifically cut and groomed. On-piste: On trail, usually the groomed runs of a resort. Park: The terrain park—where the halfpipe and jumps are located. Park rat: Skiers/riders who hang out in the terrain park most of the time.

What do skiers call fresh snow?

Freshies – This is the word you want to hear while on ski holiday. You want to be getting freshies in the morning, or all day long. It’s another term for fresh powder snow.

How do you describe the feeling of skiing?

It’s hard to fully describe unless you experience it, but it’s a combination of excitement, loss of control, exhilaration, and a sense of freedom all wrapped up in one. Skiing down that mountain was incredible; a kind of sensation and freedom that I have never experienced before.

What does Blacks mean in skiing?

So-called “black runs” are the most demanding slopes in a skiing region. They have a gradient of more than 40% (22°) and are a challenge for even the most experienced skiers.

Are skis faster than snowboards?

Crucially, skiers go faster. The current speed-skiing record stands at just over 250 kph (156 mph) against 200 kph or so for a snowboard. As a result, they jump higher: 10.7 metres (35 feet) against 9.8 metres in a quarterpipe (as a concave ramp used for such antics is known). They also fly farther.

What does apres ski mean?

after ski
Après-ski is a French term that translates literally to “after ski” or “after skiing.” The phrase, made popular in the Alps during the 1950s rise of commercial skiing, is defined by Oxford Living Dictionaries as “the social activities and entertainment following a day’s skiing.” Today, après-ski provides an umbrella …

What does crud mean skiing?

The definition of crud can vary, but often it just means powder that has been tracked out to an extent. Crud can be fun to ski, but in a sense it’s the opposite of corduroy in that it’s unpredictable. Skiers must keep their balance going back and forth between deep and packed snow.

What are the words for skiing and snowboarding?

Skiing and snowboarding are essentially simple sports, climb a mountain, strap on a plank or two and ride down the mountain. Simple, outdoors and awesome. Yet delve a little deeper into the ski world and you’ll find almost another language in ski terms and terminology, slang and jargon that you probably won’t fully understand.

What’s the best way to use ski slang?

If you want to sound sweet on the slopes this year and master the art of ski-speak; or make sense of the cool dude in the queue when he turns round and says, “With the flat light and this chowder, you’ll have to ride good or eat wood..” then get working on some totally awesome ski slang to sprinkle liberally into your conversation.

Where can I find glossary of snow sports terms?

SnowSlang.com is a multimedia blog and glossary of skiing terms and snowboarding slang. Deepen your knowledge and love for snow sports by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+.

What does apres ski mean in slang terms?

With any luck you’ll sound like a ripper even if you’re still a gaper… Aprés Ski – Literally it means ‘after ski’, but really refers to the nightly social assault course which can take more out of you, than skiing!

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