When you consider the benefits of massages, it is not surprising that many people include frequent sessions into their fitness plan. Even though massages are typically performed by massage therapists, massage chairs have gained popularity during recent years because of their mobility, convenience and time-efficiency. If you’ve been deliberating whether you should purchase a massage chair to undergo regular massage therapy in the comfort of your own home, then it’s worth looking at these considerations before making the decision of which one would be best suited for your requirements.
There are various massage chairs available for purchase that is equipped with different features. Shiatsu massage chairs for example, is designed for targeting pressure points throughout the whole body with swaying, rolling and pressing motions. Some chairs provide Swedish massages which are performed with slight intensity kneading actions. Zero-gravity chairs, on the other hand tilt into a position of zero-gravity before commencing the massage. It is useful to try out the various chairs to give you an idea of which experience is most suited to your needs.
The cost of massage chairs varies from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, contingent on numerous factors that include but are not subjected to, appearance, the manufacturer, features as well as the quality and type of materials used in production of the chair. You can check out this website for massage chairs for sale cheap if you have a somewhat limited budget. Your high-end chairs are equipped with various features like an aesthetically pleasing look, air bags, USB ports, top-quality leather, and music players which could cost well over $5000. But don’t let the high prices put you off from investing in a massage chair. You can do away with certain features that are not required, for instance, not opting for built-in USB ports and music players, or buying one that doesn’t have a luxurious appearance at a price which is more accommodating to your budget.
Most massage chairs take up a lot off space and are heavy and bulky and they can somewhat disrupt the décor of your room. If the chair is for personal use, the more sensible location to put it would be in your office or bedroom. You can purchase models that have wheels which means you can store it at an area if not in use and easily move it to a more spacious area for your massage.
Robustness And Easy Repairs
Massage chairs have numerous moving parts, wiring, computer components, which means something could go wrong at some point. It is always worth paying a bit more for a durable chair, particularly if you are going to use it frequently.
Customer Care And Warranty
Prior to making a purchase, fir check how long the warranty period lasts and precisely what is covered. It should at least cover the parts and labor. Also ask about whether they provide a one-month unconditional cashback guarantee. Cashback opportunities as well as warranties is a good indication whether the manufacturer stand behind the durability and performance of their massage chairs.