How far is Bali from Japan flight?
Distance from Bali to Tokyo is approximately 4600 kilometers.
Is Bali close to Japan?
Bali is just as far away from Japan as Japan from Jakarta (5,790 km), Singapore (5,322 km), Kanpur (5,665 km), Lucknow (5,596 km), Surabaya (5,547 km), Almaty (5,331 km), Medan (5,521 km), Bandung (5,809 km), Patna (5,277 km), Bekasi (5,782 km).
Is Singapore close to Japan?
Distance from Japan to Singapore is 5,241 kilometers. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Japan and Singapore is 5,241 km= 3,257 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Japan to Singapore, It takes 5.82 hours to arrive.
How long is the flight from Hawaii to Japan?
8 hours 3 minutes
Average direct flight time is 8 hours 3 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Hawaii to Japan is 8 hours 3 minutes.
Can you fly from Japan to Bali?
There are 4 airlines who fly direct from Tokyo to Bali (Denpasar). As of August, there are 15 flights per week flying from Tokyo to Bali (Denpasar).
How expensive is Bali?
Bali trip cost for one week
Estimated Costs | |
Airfare | $850 |
Accommodations | $480 ($100 X 6 nights) |
Transportation and attractions | $120 |
Food and drink | $175 ($25 X 6 7 days) |
Is it expensive in Japan?
The truth is, Japan is probably not as expensive as you think! While it may be pricier than countries like China, Thailand, and Vietnam, to the surprise of many travelers, it’s generally less expensive than places such as Singapore, the U.K., Australia, and Scandinavia.
What do Singaporeans think of Japan?
“I’m happy to hear Singaporeans say they like Japan – it feels the same as a guest who says he likes the Imperial Tokyo,” says Shohei Sekido, sales and marketing director of the Imperial Hotel Singapore office. “If it helps each side understand each other’s culture better, it’s good for both.”