What is Faire in the imperfect tense?
Faire Conjugation in the Imperfect Tense This form usually translates to ‘used to’ or ‘was/were. ‘ Putting the verb faire in the imperfect is particularly useful when you want to talk about how the weather was during an event or an action you used to do regularly.
Are there any irregular verbs in imparfait French?
Être (‘to be’) is the only verb with an irregular stem at the imparfait. Other common irregular verbs include aller, boire, prendre and recevoir.
Why is être irregular in Imparfait?
Verbs that end in -ier (e.g., étudier) will end up with a double ‘i’ in the Imperfect nous and vous forms. This isn’t irregular – it just looks odd. (And sounds odd, too, because you have to pronounce each letter ‘i’ individually.) There is only one irregular verb in the Imperfect tense, and that’s the verb ÊTRE.
What is Imparfait example?
Examples and resources Ma mère me berçait dans ses bras jusqu’à ce que je m’endorme.My mother used to rock me in her arms until I fell asleep. Il jouait au football quand il était petit. He played football when he was small. Tous les étés, nous allions dans le sud de la France.
What does the verb faire imparfait mean in French?
Le verbe “FAIRE Imparfait” se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je faisais, tu faisais, il faisait, elle faisait, on faisait, nous faisions, vous faisiez, ils faisaient, elles faisaient. Le Verbe Faire Imparfait – To Do Imperfect Tense – French Conjugation
How is the verb faire formed in French?
faire: Conjugation. The faire conjugation tables below show how to form the French verb faire according to tense and person. To listen to the pronunciation of a given tense of faire, click on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of the table. See the notes on the conjugation of faire at the end of this page.
Where can I find the correct pronunciation of faire?
To listen to the pronunciation of a given tense of faire, click on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of the table. See the notes on the conjugation of faire at the end of this page. This is one of the few verbs with a third person plural present tense form ending in -ont .
What are some idiomatic uses of the word faire?
Idiomatic Uses of Faire 1 Il fait laver sa voiture. – He has his car washed. 2 Je me suis fait couper les cheveux. – I had my hair cut. 3 Elle se fait faire les ongles. – She has her nails done.