What is ground mass in geology?

What is ground mass in geology?

« Back to Glossary Index. General term from the fine-grained, not discernible part of a rock. In igneous rocks, this is the part of the rock that is not phenocrysts, and can help in determining the composition of extrusive rocks.

What is the Groundmass made of?

groundmass The finer-grained material of igneous rocks in which larger crystals (phenocrysts) and xenoliths are enclosed. The groundmass of an igneous rock commonly represents that part of the magma system which has cooled rapidly.

What does Phenocryst mean?

: a crystal foreign to the rock in which it occurs.

What is sand matrix?

Sand Matrix®, a group of sands that can be produced in particle size of 0-2 mm, 0-4 mm and 2-4 mm.

What is a Xenoblast?

: a crystal in metamorphic rock that is not bounded by its own faces but has its outlines impressed upon it by neighboring crystals —contrasted with idioblast.

Which is the best definition of a groundmass?

Definition of groundmass. : the fine-grained or glassy base of a porphyry in which the larger distinct crystals are embedded.

What is the definition of mass in science?

In science, mass is the amount of matter an object has. Newton’s second law says that mass is the property of matter that determines the force required to impart a given acceleration to an object.

What’s the difference between common ground and earth ground?

Chassis ground is sometimes called common ground. It provides a point that can be considered to have zero voltage. All other circuit voltages (positive or negative) are measured or defined with respect to it. Ideally, all chassis grounds should lead to earth grounds.

What is the purpose of an earth ground?

An earth ground minimizes the susceptibility of electronic equipment to interference from other devices. In large, base-station wireless installations, a good earth ground also provides a certain measure of protection from the destructive effects of lightning.

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