Which has more stopping power 9 mm or 45?

Which has more stopping power 9 mm or 45?

Since a 9mm is smaller and lighter than a 45, it moves more quickly than a 45. So, upon impact, the 9mm will penetrate the target much deeper than a 45. It is shot out of the barrel at a much higher velocity, so it takes more stopping power to halt the bullet. A 9mm also has a greater capacity.

Does a 45 kick more than a 9mm?

Due to the size of the 45ACP, it tends to recoil more than a 9MM, especially when shot from a smaller pistol like a compact or sub-compact. That being said, when shot from a full-size gun like a 1911, the recoil is lessened due to the weight and size of the firearm. 45 ACP ammo is more expensive than 9MM.

Which is better 9mm or 45 ACP ammo?

And with modern bullet designs such as expanding full metal jackets (EFMJs), jacketed hollow points (JHPs), etc., the lighter and faster 9mm can rival the slower and heavier .45 acp in the terms of wounding capabilities. With all the 9mm ammo choices on the market though, we’re presented with another problem.

Which is a better round Winchester or Remington?

The reason was that with no tough copper jacket to peel back, the soft lead expanded more easily in flesh. Winchester and Remington both produce this 158-grain LSWCHP +P round. The Remington seems to have the softer lead of the two, and therefore opens a bit more dramatically. This is a good thing.

Which is bigger federal HST or 45 ACP?

While the 147gr Federal HST expanded from 9mm (roughly .35cal) to on average 15mm or .61″, the .45 ACP expanded from (again, roughly) 11.5mm to 25mm (.45″ to 1″) Both (roughly!) doubled in size…and since .45 ACP is bigger to start with, it became massive in the end.

How many rounds can a single stack 9mm hold?

But if pushed to it, comparing single stack semi-autos, a single stack 1911 in 9mm can hold up to ten rounds, while both the long-defunct LAR Grizzly and the recently-revived Coonan 1911-style pistols chambered for the .357 magnum can only hold seven rounds.


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