How many depth and complexity icons are there?
eleven icons
What are the Icons of Depth and Complexity? The most recognizable part of the Depth and Complexity framework is the set of eleven icons that represent the eleven thinking prompts. The eleven elements are divided into two types: depth and complexity.
Who created the depth and complexity icons?
Professor Sandra Kaplan
Depth and complexity tools were developed by Professor Sandra Kaplan following extensive research into what types of knowledge distinguished experts in a field of study from those with only a surface level of knowledge.
What is complexity in gifted education?
Original post (edited): Depth is the “language of the discipline, big ideas, essential details, rules, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, and ethics.” Complexity involves “change over time, multiple points of view, across the disciplines.” Depth and complexity in gifted education should be a natural extension of …
Who are the creators of depth and complexity icons?
Ideas presented here are also adapted from Flip Book, Too Dr. Sandra Kaplan and Bette Gould The Depth and Complexity Icons are visual prompts designed to help students go beyond surface level understanding of a concept and enhance their ability to think critically.
Where does the across disciplines icon come from?
For a different approach, consider having students explore why things haven’t changed. This icon also falls under the complexity section of the framework. The Across Disciplines icon prompts exploration of connections within, between and across subject areas.
Which is the icon I get the most questions about?
This is the icon I about which get the most questions. Trends represent the general direction of change. CHANGE is the key word here. Trends can be explained by external factors or influences that contribute to the change. This icon is represented well by the line graph.