What is a scoring point?

What is a scoring point?

The total number of points made by each competitor or side in a contest, either final or at a given stage: The score stood tied in the bottom of the ninth inning. c. The number of points attributed to a competitor or team. 2.

What does it mean to score points with someone?

to do something that will make someone like you: He tried really hard to be funny and cool to try to score points with Amanda.

What does scoring mean in slang?

to get illegal drugs: She tried to score some dope in a nightclub. [ I ] slang. to have sex with someone that you have usually just met: Did you score last night, then?

How do you score points in a game?

Points can be accumulated by making field goals (two or three points) or free throws (one point). If a player makes a field goal from within the three-point line, the player scores two points. If the player makes a field goal from beyond the three-point line, the player scores three points.

What does a score mean?

1 : a record of points made or lost (as in a game) 2 : the number of points earned for correct answers on a test. 3 : a group of 20 things : twenty. 4 : harm done by someone and kept in mind for later response I have a score to settle with you.

What does score mean dating?

it’s like to win a date, to have/ to get an opportunity for a date.

What does scoring a girl mean?

Once you have “obtained” a girl, what you do afterwards is between you and her. To score (slang) =to obtain.

What does scoring mean in crafts?

In the world of printing, Scoring refers to the process of making a crease in paper so it will fold easier. Basically, a paper score is a ridge that is indented into the paper where the fold line will occur.

What does scoring mean in drugs?

The drug score combines druglikeness, cLogP, logS, molecular weight and toxicity risks in one handy value than may be used to judge the compound’s overall potential to qualify for a drug.

Which is the best definition of point scoring?

1 The action or practice of scoring points, particularly in a sport or game. ‘the team’s total point-scoring this year’

What does it mean when someone scores points off you?

1. If someone scores points off you, they make themselves seem better or more intelligent than you in a discussion or argument. In the next session group members agreed to consider each other’s contributions rather than use them to score points off each other.

What is the definition of on that score?

The total number of points made by each competitor or side in a contest, either final or at a given stage: The score stood tied in the bottom of the ninth inning. c. The number of points attributed to a competitor or team. 2. A result, usually expressed numerically, of a test or examination.

What’s the best way to score points with someone?

score points. To do something that receives a positive reaction or enhances one’s reputation or standing with someone. I scored some points with my mother-in-law by offering to wash the dishes after the big meal.

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