What is the conflict of the White Heron?

What is the conflict of the White Heron?

The main conflict in the story revolves around the hunter’s desire to hunt the white heron, and Sylvia’s desire to protect the bird from harm.

Which of the following inner conflicts does Sylvia face in A White Heron?

Sylvia faces an internal conflict of the character vs. self variety. When the hunter offers her ten dollars in order to reveal to him the location of the heron’s nest, she cannot help but be tempted by it.

What is the message of A White Heron?

Conservation versus Greed At the heart of “A White Heron” lies the conflict between conserving nature and exploiting it for financial gain. The stranger wants to shoot, kill, and stuff the elusive white heron for his personal collection, and he offers Sylvia $10 to help him find it.

What does Sylvia sacrifice to protect the white heron?

The resolution of “A White Heron” is that Sylvia decides not to tell the hunter about the bird, therefore protecting the bird but sacrificing her future happiness.

What are the four major types of conflict?

The opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with others, Conflict with the environment and Conflict with the supernatural.

What is the climax of a white heron?

The climax of the story is when Sylvia finds the white heron’s nest. It is the climax because she has to choose whether to tell the hunter or let the bird go. A climax is the turning point of a story. It is often where a character has to make a choice.

Who is the antagonist in the White Heron?

The antagonist of the story is the urban desire to tame and possess nature, as represented by the hunter.

What are the major themes of the White Heron?

A White Heron Themes

  • Nature vs. Industrialization.
  • Conservation vs. Greed.
  • Innocence vs. Experience.
  • Solitude. Sylvia’s existence in the country is quite solitary, as her only companions are her grandmother Mrs.

What happens at the end of White Heron?

A young man has arrived in the forest and told Sylvia that he will pay her ten dollars if she can lead him to a rare white heron. Although she’s torn, Sylvia decides to find the heron for the hunter. She climbs the highest tree in the area, has a magical experience, and sees the heron.

Why does Sylvia not speak in the White Heron?

Sylvia remains silent and doesn’t speak because she doesn’t want to betray the loyalty of the white heron. When the handsome hunter, who manages to charm Sylvia, asks her where the beautiful bird might be hiding, Sylvia decides to remain silent and not give away its location.

What are the two major types of conflicts?

All conflict falls into two categories: internal and external.

  • Internal conflict is when a character struggles with their own opposing desires or beliefs. It happens within them, and it drives their development as a character.
  • External conflict sets a character against something or someone beyond their control.
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