What is neurological lupus?

What is neurological lupus?

When lupus affects the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, we call this neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE). NPSLE is one of the most difficult problems for people with lupus as it is often serious and also not well understood. Lupus of the nervous system may involve symptoms.

Can a neurologist treat lupus?

At some of the larger medical centers, you may be able to see a dermatologist who specializes in the skin manifestations of lupus. Neurological Specialists: A neurologist may be part of your team in order to address the nervous system manifestations of lupus.

Is lupus considered a neurological disease?

Clinical syndromes seen in people with systemic lupus erythematosus. The spectrum of neurological disease in lupus. Lupus can affect all levels of the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral nervous system.

Can lupus make you gain weight?

Weight changes — Lupus can sometimes cause weight loss or weight gain. Weight loss may be unintentional and due to decreased appetite or problems with the digestive system (see ‘Digestive system’ below). It can also be a side effect of some medications used to treat lupus.

How do you stop lupus headaches?

Lupus headaches are often treated with steroids if over-the-counter pain relievers do not work. The first line of treatment for migraines is the migraine prevention diet. If diet alone does not bring relief, drugs like nortriptyline may be prescribed.

What neurological problems can lupus cause?

and impaired memory.

  • Headache. About 20% of patients with lupus have migraine-like headaches.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Organic Brain Syndrome.
  • CNS Vasculitis.
  • Sources.
  • What is the general prognosis of lupus?

    Prognosis for Lupus: The prognosis for lupus varies widely depending on the organs involved and the intensity of the inflammatory reaction. The course of lupus is commonly chronic and relapsing, often with long periods of remission. Most patients with lupus have a normal lifespan with periodic doctor visits and treatments with various drugs.

    What are the problems with lupus?

    Lupus may lead to blood problems, including anemia and increased risk of bleeding or blood clotting. It can also cause inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis). Lungs. Having lupus increases your chances of developing an inflammation of the chest cavity lining (pleurisy), which can make breathing painful.

    Why does lupus attack the brain?

    Lupus cerebritis is a symptom of lupus in which brain tissue becomes inflamed, often as a result of damage to blood vessels. Since lupus causes the immune system to deteriorate, cerebritis can be actually be caused by the disease itself. It can also be caused by an infection, either in the brain or blood, which results in swelling of the brain.

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