When should ninebark be pruned?
Pruning. When necessary, prune ninebark after it flowers or no later than mid-August to maintain its shape and thin out the shrub and improve air circulation. Fully one-third of the branches can be cut out with each pruning; focus on older branches, damaged branches, and those that cross and rub.
How do you care for a ninebark Bush?
Ninebark needs little to no maintenance once established. Apply an all-purpose slow-release fertilizer in spring as needed, and mulch around the base with a thin layer of compost or fine bark.
How fast do Diabolo ninebark grow?
In just one year of growth, many ninebark varieties can reach their mature size. The rapid growth of these plants can be gratifying but also a deterrent for some people, since they may get a little too big in size.
Do you cut back ninebark in the fall?
The plant benefits from a regular pruning in the fall after the plant goes dormant and in spring, just before blooming begins. Cut back long, leggy twigs that stick out from the top, sides and bottom of the ninebark. Many people prefer to let the plant grow wild instead.
Can I cut ninebark to the ground?
If you just need to shape your ninebark a bit, you can give it a light shearing during the active growing season, after it flowers. The key is to remove in late winter—at ground level with loppers or a pruning saw—any stems bigger than a broom handle. …
What looks good with ninebark?
Many gardeners grow Diablo ninebark shrubs as specimen plants in their landscaping. Massed along a border, they can form a loose privacy hedge for summer. Their foliage color goes well with plants that are golden or chartreuse, such as Gold Mops false cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Gold Mop’).
How do you rejuvenate ninebark?
Cut back the stems about one-third after bloom to make plants more bushy. Don’t prune past mid-summer. If a plant is large and out of control, it can be cut back to near the ground in late winter to rejuvenate, and it will regrow.
Can you hard prune ninebark?
If you just need to shape your ninebark a bit, you can give it a light shearing during the active growing season, after it flowers. This can be done with bypass pruners or with power shears. Just be aware that this can reduce the amount of potential showy fruit you will see in summer and fall.
What’s wrong with my ninebark?
Disease. The white fungus growing on your ninebark plant is powdery mildew. This fungal disease displays a white, powdery growth on plant surfaces such as leaves and flowers. However, ideal conditions for powdery mildew infection include high humidity and temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
What can I plant next to ninebark?
Companion Planting and Design In a mixed shrub border, grow ninebark with other deciduous shrubs, such as lilac and spirea. Use different colored ninebarks in the back of a perennial flower border to show off the brightly colored perennials such as coneflowers and bee balm.
Is ninebark a good shrub?
A ninebark shrub is one of the most versatile and easy-to-grow shrubs available to Prairie gardeners. There are several varieties that make using it even more useful when planning a landscape, as one with the appropriate leaf colour and one that grows the desired height can be selected from a long list.
What kind of foliage does diabolo ninebark have?
The stunning deep purple foliage of this versatile shrub makes it a standout in the garden. Plant en masse to create a richly colored, dense hedge or screen. Profuse creamy white flower clusters adorn the foliage in summer. Foliage can become green in high heat or partial shade; tolerates moderate drought in cooler summer regions.
What’s the best way to care for a ninebark?
Water the plant well. Pruning and trimming is probably the most important part of maintaining a ninebark shrub. Performing the following pruning tips regularly will ensure abundant and healthy growth of the plant’s foliage, and prevent mildew infection.
When to prune, winter care and fertilize ninebark?
Ninebark – Pruning, Winter Care and Fertilizing This shrub is often used in mass plantings or as a hedge. The same pruning technique can be used if they are planted as a specimen. For these plants, pruning should be done in the early spring, before they leaf out.
What kind of soil does a ninebark shrub need?
Soil:The ninebark shrub does not really mind any kind of soil, even those with widely varying pH. However, to get best results, one should plant these shrubs in acidic, well-drained soil that falls in the USDA zone 2-7.