Is trains are running from Vijayawada to Hyderabad?

Is trains are running from Vijayawada to Hyderabad?

GHY SC Express is the only train that runs between Vijayawada and Hyderabad without any halts. It is found that most trains pass through the major stations Secunderabad Jn, Warangal and Khammam.

How many trains are running from Vijayawada to Hyderabad?

There are 43 weekly trains and 18 daily trains that run from Vijayawada to Hyderabad , covering the shortest distance of about 247 km by VSKP SNSI EXP(18503).

Which trains are running from Vijayawada?

Trains originating from Vijayawada

  • 12078JAN SHATABDI.
  • 431KM Vijayawada(06:00) Chennai(13:00)
  • 350KM Vijayawada(06:25) Hyderabad(11:55)
  • 350KM Vijayawada(06:05) Visakhapatnam(12:10)
  • 293KM Vijayawada(18:00) Gudur(22:30)
  • 336KM Vijayawada(17:30) Hyderabad(23:15)
  • 1126KM Vijayawada(10:25) SAINAGAR SHIRDI(09:18)

How many trains Secunderabad to Vijayawada?

There are 36 weekly trains and 17 daily trains that run from Secunderabad Jn to Vijayawada Jn , covering the shortest distance of about 350 km by PADMAVATI EXP(12764). Note: The number of daily trains indicates particular trains that run everyday from Secunderabad Jn to Vijayawada Jn.

How many hours journey from Vijayawada to Kakinada?

Distance Between Vijayawada to Kakinada

Distance between Vijayawada to Kakinada by Road is 228 Kms
Distance between Vijayawada to Kakinada by Flight is 179 Kms
Travel Time from Vijayawada to Kakinada by Road is 6:2 hrs
Nearest Airport in Vijayawada Vijayawada International Airport (16.51, 80.65)

Which trains are running in AP?

The trains which run via Visakhapatnam are AP Express, Godavari Express, Konark Express and Falaknuma Express.

How many trains stop Vijayawada?

An average of 1.40 lakh passengers are served per day and 50 million annually. More than 250 passenger trains and 150 goods trains utilize the station daily, with each train stopping for at least 15 to 20 minutes….Performance and earnings.

No. of platforms 10
Passengers Annual 50 million

Are trains running from Hyderabad to Andhra Pradesh?

Train number 12723 is a train running between Hyderabad and New Delhi. Hyderabad is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh and New Delhi is located in the state of Delhi….Andhra Pradesh Express -12723 ( Hyderabad Decan to New Delhi )

Station name (code) Secunderabad Junction (SC)
Arrives 06:45
Departs 06:50
Stop time 5 min
Distance travelled 10 km

How can I get live train status by SMS?

You can also get your Train Running Status on mobile via SMS. Just send SMS to 139 in below format. Where XXXXX is your 5 Digit Train Number and YYY is the STD Code of the desired Station. You will recieve the confirmation status.

How many km Vijayawada to Chennai?

Vijayawada to Chennai

Aerial Distance 386Km
Road Distance 456Km

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