How bad is an F6 tornado?

How bad is an F6 tornado?

The F6 tornado would be the granddaddy of all tornadoes. It would have wind speeds exceeding 300 miles per hour at maximum and would be able to lift houses from their foundations like Dorothy’s Kansas home in the Wizard of Oz. Car would become ballistic missiles able to hurl at tremendous speeds.

Why is there no F6 tornado?

The “F” scale actually goes up to F12… F6 or greater was never expected to be reached, so it isn’t commonly shown on most scales. Since the “F” scale is purely a damage scale, and F5 is the worst damage you can have (everything swept away), it would be near impossible to reach F6 damage…

Is it possible to have an F6 tornado?

There is no such thing as an F6 tornado, even though Ted Fujita plotted out F6-level winds. The Fujita scale, as used for rating tornados, only goes up to F5. Even if a tornado had F6-level winds, near ground level, which is *very* unlikely, if not impossible, it would only be rated F5.

What tornado caused the most damage in the US?

Tri-State Tornado
The deadliest tornado of all time in the United States was the Tri-State Tornado on March 18, 1925 in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. It killed 695 people and injured over 2,000.

Can an f1 tornado pick up a person?

No. 5: Tornadoes have picked people and items up, carried them some distance and then set them down without injury or damage. True, but rare. People and animals have been transported up to a quarter mile or more without serious injury, according to the SPC.

How strong would a F6 Tornado be?

The Fujita Scale

F-Scale Number Intensity Phrase Wind Speed
F0 Gale tornado 40-72 mph
F4 Devastating tornado 207-260 mph
F5 Incredible tornado 261-318 mph
F6 Inconceivable tornado 319-379 mph

What is the deadliest tornado on record?

The Ten Deadliest Documented Tornado Events

Rank Date Injuries (Deaths)
1 March 18, 1925 2,027 (695)
2 May 6, 1840 109 (317)
3 May 27, 1896 1,000 (255)
4 April 5, 1936 700 (216)

What state has the most tornado deaths?

The Top Ten Tornado Statistics Page

Rank Total numbers of tornadoes Deaths per 10,000 sq miles
1 Texas Massachusetts
8 Illinois Illinois
9 South Dakota Oklahoma
10 Louisiana Kentucky

How much damage would a f12 tornado do?

An F12 tornado would have winds of about 740 MPH, the speed of sound. Roughly 3/4 of all tornadoes are EF0 or EF1 tornadoes and have winds that are less than 100 MPH….

degree of damage description approximate wind speed (MPH)
10 total destruction of entire building 170

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