What can you see with an 8-inch reflector telescope?

What can you see with an 8-inch reflector telescope?

This size scope, however, is a bit small for deep-sky objects such as nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. An 8-inch telescope (it doesn’t matter what type) will move you into a new dimension of viewing.

Which reflector telescope is the best?


  • Orion 09007 SpaceProbe 130ST Equatorial Reflector Telescope – Top Pick.
  • Orion 10015 StarBlast 4.5 Astro Reflector Telescope – The Runner-Up.
  • ToyerBee Reflector Telescope – Best for the Money.
  • Meade 216006 Polaris 130 EQ Reflector Telescope.
  • Educational Insights GeoSafari Omega Reflector Telescope.

What is the best 8-inch telescope?

Mount type Overall: In the 8-inch category, we have the Meade LX200-ACF an incredible piece of equipment that gathers the most important features that a telescope needs to be perfect. The optics are outstanding with Ultra-High Transmission Coatings and comma-free making it capable of delivering high-quality images.

Are refractor or reflector telescopes better?

If you are interested in astrophotography, purchasing a refractor is a better option because of it’s specialized optic design that captures deep space objects like galaxies and nebulae. If you are interested in brighter celestial objects like the Moon or planets or a beginner, a reflector telescope is ideal.

What magnification do you need to see Jupiter?

Generally a magnification of 30-50x the aperture of your telescope (in inches) works well on nights of average seeing. So if you have a 4-inch telescope, try 120x to 200x. If you have razor sharp optics and steady sky, you can get away with even more magnification.

What can I see with a 8 inch Dobsonian?

However, there are a number of DSOs that can be seen by urban observers. The Moon, the bright planets, bright binary stars, bright open and globular clusters, bright nebulae, and bright galaxies are all possible targets.

Why are reflectors better than refractors?

The benefits of Newtonian reflecting telescopes over other telescopes include the following: Because the mirror can be fixed onto a metal plate, reflecting telescopes can be much bigger than refractors. Reflecting telescopes are cheaper to make. Reflecting telescopes don’t suffer from chromatic aberration.

Why are refractors better for astrophotography?

Refractors are compact and lightweight compared to other telescope designs. The focusers are solid and easy to focus. They offer a similar experience to a high-end telephoto camera lens. The image quality potential for astrophotography is exceptional.

Can I see Jupiter with binoculars?

If you get a nice pair of binoculars, it’s possible to even see the four biggest moons of Jupiter. Yes, you will need to rest the binoculars up against something solid to keep them steady, but you should be able to see four small points near Jupiter.

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