How do I stop UNICEF monthly donations?

How do I stop UNICEF monthly donations?

For any information related to cancelling, upgrading or downgrading your donation, you may contact our helpdesk team on the toll free number 1800-3000-5898 or write to us at [email protected] between 9 AM to 6 PM Monday to Friday and we will respond to you between 48 to 72 hours.

Is the UNICEF legit?

UNICEF USA has been vetted by GlobalGiving, and has achieved Superstar status for demonstrating the highest level of engagement and/or effectiveness over the past year. Our program expense ratio of 88.4 percent means we are a highly efficient charity, as defined by independent monitors.

Where is the headquarters of UNICEF?

New York, New York, United States

How do you get UNICEF to stop mailing me?

Simply write “do not trade” on any reply card when mailing in a donation, or use the “opt-out” option on the reply coupon if it is provided or contact a UNICEF Supporter Relations representative at 1-800-567-4483, or write us at UNICEF Supporter Relations Department, 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario …

What is the purpose of UNICEF?

UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.


UNICEF is supported entirely by the voluntary contributions of governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), foundations, corporations and private individuals. Most of the fundraising is done by UNICEF’s National Committees, which are autonomous NGOs.

What is wrong with UNICEF?

UNICEF’s internal audits found it lost tens of millions of dollars in the 1990s. It has had bribery scandals at its African outposts. Its chapter in Germany had thousands of regular donors cut off funding a few years ago after it was discovered that some UNICEF employees received exorbitant salaries.

Does all the money go to UNICEF?

UNICEF receives no money from the UN budget, so we rely entirely on charitable donations like yours to fund our vital work to protect children, transform their lives and build a safer world for tomorrow’s children.

What is the main purpose of UNICEF?

UNICEF’S MISSION Our mission is to mobilize and empower Canadians to invest in the positive transformation of every child’s future. UNICEF stands for every child, everywhere.

What is UNICEF full?

UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund.

What has UNICEF done recently?

This report highlights UNICEF’s achievements in 2019 including reaching 307 million children under age 5 with services to prevent malnutrition; 17 million out-of-school children with education; 4 million children and young people with skills development; 18.3 million people with access to safe drinking water; 15.5 …

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