What is a word for looking towards the future?

What is a word for looking towards the future?

Use the noun foresight to describe successful planning for the future. The word foresight is made of two parts: fore, which means “before,” and sight, which means “to perceive.” People often perceive things with their eyes: this is vision, or sight.

What is another good word for different?


  • disparate,
  • dissimilar,
  • distant,
  • distinct,
  • distinctive,
  • distinguishable,
  • diverse,
  • nonidentical,

What is a forward thinking person called?

▲ Stylistically, culturally or technologically innovative or advanced. progressive. advanced. radical.

What means precognition?

Precognition, supernormal knowledge of future events, with emphasis not upon mentally causing events to occur but upon predicting those the occurrence of which the subject claims has already been determined.

What is a word for completely different?

Adjective. Totally opposite. poles apart. antithetical.

What do you call someone who is different?

3. 0. Their folks would consider them “eccentric” or “unconventional” eccentric – “one that deviates markedly from an established norm, especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior.” unconventional – “not conventional : not bound by or in accordance with convention : being out of the ordinary”

What is a forward thinking leader?

Forward-thinking business leaders don’t see employees as manual labor that clock in and clock out. Instead, they view people as integral to the success of the future business. In response, they focus on developing human capital and preparing employees to take on more responsibility and leadership in the years to come.

What is an example of forward thinking?

Forward thinking is linked to optimism, particularly the practice of viewing the problems of today as opportunities. For example, if an industry is damaging the environment, there is an opportunity to replace that industry with products and services that serve the same need but cause far less damage.

What does Technopathy mean?

Filters. (science fiction): a psychic ability to control electronic machinery and/or read electronic signals. Easily confused with cyberpathy, but cyberpathy has more to do with controlling the software, while technopathy has more to do with controlling the hardware. noun.

What is another way to say in the future?

A very common way of expressing the future is to use the present tense of ir (to go), followed by a and the infinitive. It is the equivalent of saying “going to …” in English and is used in basically the same way.

What is another word for “in the future”?

Synonyms for in future include hence, after this, henceforward, hereafter, hereinafter, subsequently, from now on, in the future, from this day forth and from this day forward. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is a synonym for looking ahead?

Synonyms for Look ahead: Other synonyms: • dream up, plan, arrange, organize, map out, finalize, draw up, fix, think ahead, orchestrate.

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