What is arras in Catholic weddings?
The word arras in Spanish means “earnest money,” and the coins represent the groom’s promise to provide for the family. The bride’s acceptance of the coins symbolizes her trust in her soon-to-be husband to do so. The box is presented as a gift from the groom to his bride as a symbol of commitment and trust.
What do the coins mean in a Catholic wedding?
Thirteen (13) coins (either gold or silver) represent Christ and his 12 apostles. It is a simple ceremony where the Bridegroom gives the Bride these coins to represent his responsibility as a provider, and his trust in his Bride with his material possessions. Usually a few words or vows are exchanged.
What are the arras coins in Latin American weddings?
The arras are a set of 13 gold coins, that are presented to the bride as a symbol of the groom’s trust in her. For Catholic couples, this tradition is incorporated into the wedding mass with an intricately decorated gold box or tray that the priest blesses at the beginning of the ceremony.
What does the cord symbolize in a wedding?
This cord symbolizes lifetime unity or the everlasting union of the bride and groom when they officially become husband and wife, as well as a symbol of marital protection; while the loops formed signifies their love for one another.
Do Catholic brides have to wear a veil?
Wearing a veil is a personal preference for the bride. Decades ago, this piece of fabric was worn over the bride’s face as part of the superstition that is was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. Today, the veil is seen as a sign of purity, though it is not an accessory required by the church.
What does a veil symbolize?
The veil came to symbolize modesty and obedience. In many religions it is seen as a symbol of reverence for women to cover their heads. When white wedding dresses were worn to symbolize chastity, the white veil followed suit. A blusher is a very short veil that covers just the bride’s face as she enters the ceremony.
Why does marriage have 3 knots?
The first two knots which are tied by the groom represent the commitment of the couple and to assure the happiness and good future of the bride. Meanwhile, the third knot tied by the groom’s sister symbolizes the commitment between the two families.
Do parents still pay for weddings?
According to the WeddingWire Newlywed Report, parents pay for 52% of wedding expenses, while the couple pays for 47% (the remaining 1% is paid for by other loved ones)—so parents are still paying for a majority of the wedding, though couples are chipping in fairly significantly.
Can a Catholic priest marry a couple outside the church?
Under the Catholic Church’s cannon law, marriages are meant to be performed by a Catholic priest inside either the bride or groom’s parish church. Barr added that priests can also request to marry a couple in a non-church wedding, as long as one is a confirmed Catholic and resides in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Can you kiss in a Catholic wedding?
How long is a Catholic wedding ceremony? A Catholic wedding ceremony traditionally includes a full mass and communion, all of which can take up to an hour. “Though the kiss is not a part of the religious ritual, it is something that is widely practiced and part of most ceremonies.”