How much does a TTC Metropass cost?

How much does a TTC Metropass cost?

The TTC Monthly Downtown Express Pass costs $201.90 for adults, $174.05 for youths/seniors, $169.15 for Fair Pass customers and $166.90 for post-secondary students. TTC Monthly Passes are final sale.

How much does a new TTC streetcar cost?

What is the cost of these streetcars? The total cost of this contract is approximately $1 billion. Included in this cost are the Toronto-specific design improvements, testing, manufacturing and delivery of the 204 vehicles, training for TTC personnel, and warranty support.

What is TTC pricing?

The French acronym TTC stands for toutes taxes comprises (“all taxes incuded”), and lets you know the grand total that you will actually be paying for a product or service. Most prices are quoted as TTC, but not all, so it’s best to pay attention to the fine print on your receipt.

Can I still use TTC tokens in 2021?

TTC tickets, tokens and passes are no longer available for sale in subway stations. You can still use previously purchased TTC tickets, tokens or passes you have to pay your fare. Refunds will not be provided so you are encouraged to use your TTC tickets, tokens and passes.

Why is TTC so expensive?

The TTC says this is mostly because it receives the smallest public subsidy in North America. The TTC’s data show that despite having the continent’s second biggest ridership, it is more reliant on the fare box than any other. In other words, the TTC would offer a bigger discount, but it can’t afford to.

How long does a TTC transfer last?

two hours
Your transfer is valid for two hours. Tap your PRESTO card or PRESTO Ticket on a reader every time you transfer between vehicles or a subway station. This validates your transfer. As long as you are within two hours of your first tap you will not be charged another fare.

Does TTC still take cash?

The TTC is a pay-as-you-enter, pay-as-you-board transit system, with seamless connections between buses, streetcars and the subway. Entry is by cash, token, ticket, valid pass or valid transfer. Tickets, tokens, passes, transfers or exact change is required on buses and streetcars.

Can I pay cash on TTC bus?

You need a PRESTO Card, one-ride, two-ride or day pass PRESTO Ticket, TTC ticket, token, day pass, transfer, or exact cash to pay your fare on the TTC. Operators on buses and streetcars do not sell fares or carry change, so you must have a form of payment ready before you board a vehicle.

Can you still pay cash on TTC?

If you are paying by cash, TTC ticket or token you need to use the Fares and Transfers Machines on the streetcars. These machines take exact change only. You cannot use a credit or debit card to pay your fare.

Do Presto cards expire?

PRESTO cards no longer expire, even if there is an expiry date shown on the card (you may continue to use your card even after any indicated expiry date).

Is public transport expensive in Toronto?

On a national level, Toronto has the most expensive transportation with monthly passes costing residents $156, which gives transit riders access to streetcars, buses and subways. Coming in second place is Calgary, where the monthly pass costs $109 for unlimited access to buses and light rail service.

Why is transit so expensive?

Some of the reasons that “loom large from both quantitative analysis of the large dataset and some ongoing case studies” include overdesign, poor procurement practices, poor project management, expensive and unproductive labour, NIMBYism, and the politicization of projects.

What was the cost of the first TTC Metro pass?

1991 was the year the TTC introduced student Metropasses, which cost $42.50 ($14 less than a regular adult pass). In 1993, the TTC launched a special annual pass that was transferable between users. A monthly pass cost $67. 1996 was a rough year for the TTC.

How much did it cost to ride the TTC in Toronto?

Citizens of Toronto could travel across the city for as little as five cents, or as much as twenty-five, depending on the routes they took. As the TTC took over the other systems operating within Toronto’s boundaries, it unified the city under a single fare.

When did the TTC start using twin fareboxes?

Twin fareboxes were employed: one for the TTC and one for the Township of York Railways. In September 1928, the villages of Long Branch, New Toronto and Mimico contracted with the City of Toronto to upgrade the Mimico radial line to streetcar standards.

Why was the TTC fare higher than the Civic railway?

As the TTC took over the other systems operating within Toronto’s boundaries, it unified the city under a single fare. It was higher than the Civic Railway’s fare, but it applied equally to all citizens regardless of where they lived.

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