What is all the bad words in Chinese?

What is all the bad words in Chinese?

21 Chinese Swear Words You’ll Hear From Mandarin Speakers

  • 坏蛋 (huài dàn) Let’s start with some light ones.
  • 笨蛋 (bèn dàn) Translated to “stupid egg,” you’d use this one when calling someone a moron, or an idiot.
  • 王八蛋 (wáng bā dàn)
  • 滚蛋 (gǔn dàn)
  • 糊涂蛋 (hútú dàn)
  • 混蛋 (hún dàn)
  • 我靠 or 我尻 (wǒ kào)
  • 牛屄 (niúbì)

What is the Chinese F word?

“F***” (the verb) can be directly translated into Chinese as 操 (cào), but honestly that’s only for the most extreme of circumstances. A slightly more polite term to use instead is 他妈的 (tā mā de), literally “his mother.”

What is Sohai?

It is a cantonese word used in Malaysia. The direct translation means “stupid cunt” which we do cuss it here alot in Australia.

What does Ben Dan mean in Chinese?

ben dan : fool, idiot… : bèn dàn | Definition | Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary | Yabla Chinese.

How do you say F word in German?

Literally, this curse translates to “assface”. The English equivalent is “f*ckface.” The word for “expletive” itself is creative – Schimpfwort, from schimpfen – to complain.

What does Sakai mean in Malaysia?

1. offensive. a member of the indigenous peoples of Malaysia. 2. a wild or uncouth person.

How do you say dumb in Cantonese?

蠢 (ceon2 | chun3) : stupid; foolish – CantoDict.

What does bian tai mean?

perverse, perverted, abnormal
BT: Stands for Bian Tai, meaning perverse, perverted, abnormal.

What is a Baka in Tiktok?

It turns out that baka is a Japanese word for “fool” or “idiot,” according to the TikToker @areshimo. Luckily, @areshimo schooled his followers on the origins of the word — and did so with some very beautiful Japanese calligraphy.

Why is Chinese the most difficult language in the world?

Thanks to its unique sound system, Chinese is filled with similar sounding words. This makes it quite difficult for non-native speakers to differentiate between words and sound combinations. When you add in the tones we will discuss below, it adds up to make Chinese one of the most difficult languages to listen to and understand.

What are some interesting facts about the Chinese language?

Chinese Language Facts: 10 Basic, 12 Surprising. Chinese is one of the two world languages with over a billion speakers. It is the most used mother tongue on the planet with over 900 million native speakers and more learning it as their second (or more) language.

What’s the worst insult you can say in Chinese?

Oddly, in English one of the worse insults you can give anyone is uttering the word c*nt, yet in Chinese 傻屄 (shǎ bī) is much lighter than this one. Call someone a 傻屄 (shǎ bī) and it ain’t nice, but say 肏你妈 (cào nǐ mā), and you could start a riot!

What are some of the most common Chinese swear words?

Chinese Swear Words – Commonly Used 1 妈的 (mā de) 2 他妈的 (tā mā de) 3 傻屄 (shǎ bī) 4 二百五 (Èr bǎi wǔ) 5 肏 (cào) 6 肏你妈 (cào nǐ mā) 7 贱女人 (jiàn nǚ rén) 8 拍马屁 (pāi mǎ pì)

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