What was the story of the Scarlet Letter?

What was the story of the Scarlet Letter?

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1850 historical novel The Scarlet Letter explores guilt, revenge, and redemption in colonial America. Hawthorne blends supernatural elements with psychological insight in his story of one woman’s public punishment for adultery.

How many chapters are there in Apollo’s Angels?

Part 1 has 6 chapters: Kings of Dance; the Enlightenment; French Revolution; Romantic Illusions & Rise of the Ballerina; Scandinavian Orthodoxy; Italian Heresy.

Is the book Apollo’s Angels a history of ballet?

The hype has been that Homans says ballet is dead (or in a deep sleep) but that’s totally beside the point – it’s not the story she tells. Not only is Apollo’s Angels authoritative and definitive, it’s also the first written history of ballet as a whole.

How does Pearl react to the Scarlet Letter?

Pearl’s reactions to her mother’s scarlet letter reveal this aspect of her. When Pearl covers the letter with burrs, she literalizes Hester’s experience of living with the letter: the badge of dishonor digs painfully into Hester’s being.

How does Pearl recognize her mother in the Scarlet Letter?

Yet, when Hester beckons Pearl to come to her, the child does not recognize her own mother. With her hair down and the letter gone, Hester doubtlessly looks different, and Pearl may read her mother’s abandonment of the scarlet letter as an omen of her own abandonment.

What happens to Hester in the Scarlet Letter?

Having cast off her “stigma,” Hester regains some of her former, passionate beauty, and she lets down her hair and smiles. Sunlight, which, as Pearl has pointed out, stays away from her mother as though it fears her scarlet letter, suddenly brightens the forest.

What happens in Chapter 17 of the Scarlet Letter?

Summary—Chapter 17: The Pastor and His Parishioner. In the forest, Hester and Dimmesdale are finally able to escape both the public eye and Chillingworth. They join hands and sit in a secluded spot near a brook. Hester tells Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is her husband.

What is the story of the princess and the Prince?

The poem tells the story of a heroic princess who forswears the world of men and founds a women’s university where men are forbidden to enter. The prince to whom she was betrothed in infancy enters the university with two friends, disguised as women students. They are discovered and flee,…

What does the Prince tell Melissa in the Princess?

The prince tells her of the affiancing and begs her not to punish Melissa. He conceives a plan and tells her that if she will help him secure the princess, when they rule the land he will give her a palace where she will “reign / The head and the heart of all our fair she-world.”

What was the narrative device of the Princess?

The narrative device is a tale of fancy composed in turn by some university undergraduates, based on an old chronicle. Though the poem was moderately successful, Tennyson wrote to a friend, saying “I hate it and so will you”. He revised the work after its first publication.

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